【 Carestream 新品】8G5132 交換バッテリー 2.1Ah 31.1Wh 14.8V

Carestream 8G5132 充電池、安心な1年間保証付、3ケ月以内までの返金対応。 Carestream DRX-1 System Flat Panel Digital Imager 450対 充電式バッテリー 保証: 低価格、高品質、PSE認証、対応迅速。


8G5132 互換性のあるバッテリー互換品番:

8G5132 990864 411600071 9211600047 562000500


Carestream DRX-1 System Flat Panel Digital Imager 450



Carestream 8G5132 バッテリー購入時の注意事項

1. 同じメーカーの同じシリーズでも搭載スペックや発売世代によって対応バッテリーが異なる場合があります。VCA-RBT20および当社が提供する互換モデルのバッテリー情報を注意深くお読みください。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お問い合わせください。
2. www.denchisutoa.comが提供する「Carestream 8G5132」は、Samsung Navibot SR8845 SR8855 SR8895 VCR8845 VCR8855 VCR8895と完全に互換性のある新品のバッテリーです。
3. リチウムイオン充電式バッテリーは、ni-mh、ni-cdなどの他のタイプのバッテリーと互換性がありません。

どのように Carestream 8G5132 充電式バッテリー 寿命を延長するには?

1. 完全に使用する前に新しいCarestream 8G5132 充電式バッテリー パックを充電してください。新しいパックが完全に充電されると放電必要があります(循環)数回前にフル稼働する条件ができます。
2. サムスン 充電式バッテリー を装着せずにAC電源のみを使う。
3. 「省エネルギー」パネルで 充電式バッテリー の設定を変更。使用しない機能や機器はオフにするか、取り外す。
4. Carestream 8G5132 充電式バッテリー をストーブなどの熱源のそばに放置しないでください。発熱、破裂、発火の原因になります。
5. できる限り省電力機能(スタンバイや休止状態など)を使用して、 充電式バッテリー の充電回数を少なくしてください。
6. 1ケ月以上の長期間VCA-RBT20 充電式バッテリー を使わない場合は、パソコン本体から 充電式バッテリー パックをはずして、風通しの良い涼しい場所に保管してください。


Motorola 82-000012-01 4600mah 3.7V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーIridium BAT31001 2300mAh 3.7V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーToshiba JZSP-BA01 1200mah 3.6v
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーHP 633538-001 5.4V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーHoneywell 99EX-BTEC 5000mAh 3.7V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーKTS ER14250 1200MAH 3.6v
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーYAESU SBR-14LI 2200mAh 7.2v
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーOther SM-R750 1.14Wh 3.7V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリー私達は一流の電池の製造者です。あなたは、フルレンジブランドのラップトップバッテリーアダプタタブレットのバッテリー携帯電話のバッテリーエレクトロニクス、および販売中のLedグローライトを選択することができます。私たちは一括で購入し、顧客に貯蓄を渡します。私たちは、より多くのお金を節約するために、工場価格であなたのために高品質の交換ノートパソコンのバッテリーを供給することに私たちの心を焦点を当てています。

高品質の互換性のあるバッテリーDewalt DCB120 1.5AH 12V

Dewalt DCB120 充電池、安心な1年間保証付、3ケ月以内までの返金対応。 DeWalt 12v Cordless tools DCB120 DCD710 DCF813 DCB127対 充電式バッテリー 保証: 低価格、高品質、PSE認証、対応迅速。


DCB120 互換性のあるバッテリー互換品番:

DCB120 DCB127 DCB121 DCB100 DCB101 DCB119 DCD700 DCD710


Dewalt 12V Max.Li-ion Cordless tools Dewalt DCD700
Dewalt DCD710
Dewalt DCD710S2
Dewalt DCF610
Dewalt DCF610S2
Dewalt DCF805
Dewalt DCF813
Dewalt DCF813S2
Dewalt DCF815
Dewalt DCF815N
Dewalt DCF815S2
Dewalt DCK210S2 Dewalt DCK211S2
Dewalt DCR006
Dewalt DCS310
Dewalt DCS310S1
Dewalt DCT410S1
Dewalt DCT411S1
Dewalt DCT412
Dewalt DCT414
Dewalt DCT416
Dewalt DCT418
Dewalt DCT419
Note: This battery is 6 months Warranty



Dewalt DCB120 バッテリー購入時の注意事項

1. 同じメーカーの同じシリーズでも搭載スペックや発売世代によって対応バッテリーが異なる場合があります。VCA-RBT20および当社が提供する互換モデルのバッテリー情報を注意深くお読みください。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お問い合わせください。
2. www.denchisutoa.comが提供する「Dewalt DCB120」は、Samsung Navibot SR8845 SR8855 SR8895 VCR8845 VCR8855 VCR8895と完全に互換性のある新品のバッテリーです。
3. リチウムイオン充電式バッテリーは、ni-mh、ni-cdなどの他のタイプのバッテリーと互換性がありません。

どのように Dewalt DCB120 充電式バッテリー 寿命を延長するには?

1. 完全に使用する前に新しいDewalt DCB120 充電式バッテリー パックを充電してください。新しいパックが完全に充電されると放電必要があります(循環)数回前にフル稼働する条件ができます。
2. サムスン 充電式バッテリー を装着せずにAC電源のみを使う。
3. 「省エネルギー」パネルで 充電式バッテリー の設定を変更。使用しない機能や機器はオフにするか、取り外す。
4. Dewalt DCB120 充電式バッテリー をストーブなどの熱源のそばに放置しないでください。発熱、破裂、発火の原因になります。
5. できる限り省電力機能(スタンバイや休止状態など)を使用して、 充電式バッテリー の充電回数を少なくしてください。
6. 1ケ月以上の長期間VCA-RBT20 充電式バッテリー を使わない場合は、パソコン本体から 充電式バッテリー パックをはずして、風通しの良い涼しい場所に保管してください。


TOPCON BT-62Q 2.5ah 7.4V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーIcom BP-224 750MAH 7.2V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーTP_LINK TBL-55A1800 1800mAh/6.84WH 3.8V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーToshiba JZSP-BA01 1200mah 3.6v
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーAllen_Bradley 1756-BA2 1200mah 3.0v
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーIBM 59Y5260 1100mah 6.6V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーLXE MX7A380BATT 2600mAh /19.24WH 7.4V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリーToshiba ER6VCT 2000mAh 3.6V
M26-4S1P 互換 ECOVACS Robot Vacuum Cleaner / DEEBOT CEN550 CEN663 CR130 V780 Sweeper(white interface) 互換性のあるバッテリー
ACDP-160D01 互換 Sony TV XBR-49X800D KD-49XD8588 充電アダプター
PB-43N 互換 KENWOOD PB-43 PB-43H TH-K2AT TH-K2E TH-K2ET TH-K4AT 互換性のあるバッテリー私達は一流の電池の製造者です。あなたは、フルレンジブランドのラップトップバッテリーアダプタタブレットのバッテリー携帯電話のバッテリーエレクトロニクス、および販売中のLedグローライトを選択することができます。私たちは一括で購入し、顧客に貯蓄を渡します。私たちは、より多くのお金を節約するために、工場価格であなたのために高品質の交換ノートパソコンのバッテリーを供給することに私たちの心を焦点を当てています。

B-P3 1945mAh/15.05WH 7.74V 対応機種Vivo IQOO7 V2049A

B-P3大容量互換リチャージャブルバッテリー,対応機種Vivo IQOO7 V2049Aバッテリー発売中。今特別提供の割引、新発売、高容量、高品質Vivo B-P3電池、1年保証 ! PSE認証、CE認証つき、は安全そして長持ちでございます。


Vivo B-P3 携帯電話のバッテリー互換品番



For Vivo IQOO7 V2049A



Vivo B-P3 モバイルバッテリーの選び方ガイド

– 用途に合わせて選ぶ :外出時も充電切れを心配したくない~容量から選ぶ。
– まずは所持している端末の内蔵バッテリー容量をチェック。充電したい端末の容量(mAh)を確認して、それと同じか上回る容量のモバイルバッテリーを選ぼう。
– モバイルバッテリー容量÷内蔵バッテリー容量=フル充電回数
– 実際の充電回数は電池の使用状況や環境温度、スマートフォンの作動状態、その他の要因により異なります。


Doogee X20 2580mAh/9.804Wh 3.8v
Lenovo SB10K97586 4708mAh/57Wh 11.58V
Google G013A-B 2915mAh/11.2WH 3.85V
ASUS C11P1425 3340mAh/13WH 3.8V
NEC PC-VP-BP88 6700MAH/70WH 10.8V
Samsung EB-BR720ABE 250mAh 3.8V
Asus C31N1602 57Wh 11.55V
HP 660093-001 5.4V
Razer RC30-0165 100-240v 19.8V 8.33A 165W
Dell 3CRH3 3500mAh 11.4V
Fujitsu FPCBP434 2250mah 10.8V
Sony VGP-BPS37 4125MAH 7.5V
LENOVO L14C3K31 9600mAh 3.75V
Clevo N750BAT-4 31Wh 14.4V
Lenovo L13M4P21 4600MAH 7.4V
HB299418ECW 互換 Huawei MediaPad M5 CMR-AL09 CMR-W19 タブレットPCバッテリー
NB50BAT-6 互換 Clevo NB50TK1 NB50TJ1 NB50TL NB50TZ ノートPCバッテリー
EB-BT561ABE 互換 Samsung GALAXY Tab E T560 T561 SM-T560 5000m タブレットPCバッテリー
ER6VCT 互換 Toshiba ER6VCT 3.6V 2000mah PLC Battery With small JAE Plug 2pcs 互換性のあるバッテリー
P763098-01A 互換 JBL link 20 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker 互換性のあるバッテリー
58-000124 互換 Amazon Kindle Oasis 8th タブレットPCバッテリー
FNB-80LI 互換 YAESU VX-5R VX-7R VX-5E VX-7E VXA-710 1500mAh 互換性のあるバッテリー
ASDB402334-P1 互換 Garmin Fenix 5 5X 互換性のあるバッテリー
L140BAT-4 互換 CLEVO L140BAT-4 2ICP5/50/112-2 ノートPCバッテリー
PB-42L 互換 KENWOOD Portable Radios TH-F6 TH-F6A TH-F7 TH-F7E 互換性のあるバッテリー
KD40 互換 Motorola Moto G8 Plus 携帯電話のバッテリー
UMIDIGIPOWER 互換 UMI Umidigi Power 携帯電話のバッテリー


※ スマートフォンを持ち歩くようになって、ガラケー時代よりも充電の減りが早いことに悩んでいる人も多いはず。それゆえ、充電器は外出時の持ち物リストに欠かせないものになっていますよね。夜のうちに充電を満タンにしようと思って、充電したまま寝る人は多いでしょう。
※ しかし、実はその行為がバッテリーの寿命を縮めてしまう要因になっているんです。充電プラグを差した状態でひとたびスマホの充電がフルになると、バッテリーがその状態を保とうとすることで大きなダメージを受けてしまうのです。フル充電をするほどバッテリーに大きなストレスを与えてしまい、バッテリーの寿命をすり減らしてしまうのです。
※ そのため、決して100%になるまで充電せず、90%くらいまでに留めておくことが吉でしょう。


HTC TWIN160 バッテリー交換 1350mAh/4.99WH 3.7V
Samsung EB-BG750BBC バッテリー交換 2800mAh/10.64WH 3.8V
HTC B0P9O100 バッテリー交換 2040mAh/7.75WH 3.8V
OPPO BLP601 バッテリー交換 3300mAh/12.70WH 3.8V
ELEPHONE P8000 バッテリー交換 4165mAh 3.8V
TP_link NBL-46A2300 バッテリー交換 2300mAh/8.74WH 3.8V
Alcatel TLI016B9 バッテリー交換 1600mAh/5.92WH 3.7V
LG BL-45A1H バッテリー交換 2300MAH 3.8V


Vizio SQU-1107 Li-ion Laptop Battery 6970mAh/51Wh 7.4V

All of our Vizio SQU-1107 high-quality alternatives have been tested to achieve and/or exceed original performance and are 100% compatible with the original manufacturer’s specifications. Battery Replacement for Vizio CT14 14inch CT14-A0 CT14-A1 CT14-A2 CT14-A4 CT14-A5, the laptop battery is 100% brand new and CE / FCC / RoHS certified for safety.

  • Brand: Vizio Battery
  • type: Li-ion
  • Rated Capacity: 6970mAh/51Wh
  • Standard Voltage: 7.4V
  • SKU: VIZ19I452

Replace Laptop Batteries part number :


Compatible with the following models :

Vizio CT14 Series 14inch Ultrabook
Vizio CT14-A0 CT14-A1 CT14-A2 CT14-A4 CT14-A5

online store


Will this battery have any safety risks? What is the quality of the Vizio SQU-1107 laptop battery?

This battery is made of top materials of Li-Polymer cells that have been safely certified by RoHS, CE, FCC and tested through repeated simulated work and commissioning before they are shipped from the factory. On the other hand, its specifications are based on the original standards such as appearance, interface type, body size, capacity, voltage, charging current and voltage,etc.

Is it real Vizio SQU-1107 compatibility information?

This product information is fully applicable to the Vizio series laptop batteries, “Vizio battery SQU-1107“..
* If you have any questions about the model mismatch or cannot confirm the model number due to the appearance we provided, please email us with the appearance of the battery and the model name or part number.


EUFY T8520 battery 9300mAh 33.759Wh for EUFY Ta8520
Nintendo KTR-003 battery 1400mAh 5.2Wh for Nintendo 3DS N3DS
Garmin 361-00043-00 battery 700mAh/2.59Wh for Garmin Edge 500 510 520 Cycling Receiver
Apple A2058 battery 224.9mAh/0.858Wh for Apple Watch Series 4
TREKSTOR HW-3487265 battery 4800mAh/36.48Wh for TREKSTOR Primebook C11
Clover AHA22121001 battery 2100mAh/15Wh for Clover C401U Terminal Counter Compact POS
Motorola KE40 battery 2820mAh/10.7WH for Motorola Moto E6 XT2005
BMW MKD35UP battery 580mAh/2.14Wh for BMW AG MKD35UP D-80788 530le 730 740 745 ID-Geber Display
Samsung EB-BJ710CBC battery 3300mAh/12.71WH for Samsung Galaxy J7 V Verizon J7V
Amazon 2955C7 battery 6300mAh/23.94Wh for Amazon Kindle Fire HD 10.1 7th Gen SL056ZE
Netgear W-10A battery 5040mAh/19.78WH for Netgear NightHawk Router/Modem M1 MR1100
Netgear W-3 battery 2000mAh/7.4WH for Netgear Sierra Wireless Router Aircard 760S 762S 763S 785S
Blu C866640282L battery 2820MAH for Blu Life One XL L050 L050U L050
Alcatel TLI013C1 battery 1350MAH for Alcatel One Touch Go Flip 4044W
Bose 061384 battery 2230mAH for BOSE SOUNDLINK Mini Series
Sony ACDP-100D01 laptop adapter
Amazon 58-000056 tablet battery
Lenovo L15M3PB0 laptop battery
Huawei HB4593R1ECW laptop battery
L18C4PF3 2964MAH /45WH 15.36V FOR LENOVO FLEX-14IWL 81SQ (DE110)
722KK 52WH 7.6V FOR DELL XPS 13 9300 9310 2020 SERIES
N130BAT-3 36WH 11.4V FOR CLEVO N130BU SAGER NP3130
SQU-1724 3744MAH/56.6WH 15.12V FOR AORUS 15-XA 15-WA 15-W9 15-SA 15 X9 GIGABYTE 911

Is This a Safe Website to Buy an Vizio SQU-1107 Laptop Battery?

battery.org.uk does not record or save a user’s browsing history. Your final payment confirmation on this website will be sent to a secure third party for payment: PayPal Complete. Once the order has been confirmed, we will only use your personal data to make the transaction. Upon completion of your order, all your data will be used for future customer service and will be strictly protected by us. We will never share your personal information for commercial purposes without your permission, nor will we send you harassing emails during transactions. We hope you enjoy shopping at www.battery.org.uk!


Produced in China by our reliable domestic manufacturers and through our verification and sales channels to ensure product quality and safety.
We offer Vizio product accessories with real information and compatibility, which comes entirely from our professional channels and years of sales experience.
Timeliness & Efficiency
A strong share network tin ensure the “DOUBLE INSURANCE” of the priority of international warehouses and the supplement of domestic’s.

New Products

C21N1430 4900MAH 7.6V for Asus C21N1430 Chromebook C201PA C201PA-2G C201PA-C-2A 2B
ME03XL 3130mAh 11.4V for HP Stream 13-C 13-C010NR 787521-005
R0TMP 51WH 7.4V for Dell Latitude M3510 3160 E5450 E5550 E5570
AC14B18 3220mah 11.4V for Acer Extensa 2508 2519 TravelMate B115-M B115-MP
BF04XL 5685mAh/43.7Wh 7.7v for HP Spectre 13-V115TU Series Laptop
T890BAT-4 6600mAh 7.4V for Clevo T890 T890BAT-4SCUD 6-87-T890S-4Z6A
4XKN5 65WH 11.1V for Dell Latitude E7404 E5404
C32N1415 96Wh 11.4V for ASUS ZenBook Pro UX501J UX501L

We are leading battery suplier.You can select a full range brand laptop battery,adapters,Tablet batteries,Cell Phone Batteries,Electronics,and Led Grow Light on sale .We buy in bulk and pass on savings to the customers.We focus our minds on supplying high quality replace laptop battery for you with factory price to save more money.

SB10J78991 3575mAh/42WH 11.4V For Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 11E 3rd Gen

All of our Lenovo SB10J78991 high-quality alternatives have been tested to achieve and/or exceed original performance and are 100% compatible with the original manufacturer’s specifications. Battery Replacement for Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 11E 3rd Gen, the laptop battery is 100% brand new and CE / FCC / RoHS certified for safety.

  • Brand: Lenovo Battery
  • type: Li-ion
  • Rated Capacity: 3575mAh/42WH
  • Standard Voltage: 11.4V
  • SKU: LEN19I453

Replace Laptop Batteries part number :

SB10J78991 00HW043

Compatible with the following models :

For Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 11E 3rd Gen
Charge limit voltage:13.05V

online store


Will this battery have any safety risks? What is the quality of the Lenovo SB10J78991 laptop battery?

This battery is made of top materials of Li-Polymer cells that have been safely certified by RoHS, CE, FCC and tested through repeated simulated work and commissioning before they are shipped from the factory. On the other hand, its specifications are based on the original standards such as appearance, interface type, body size, capacity, voltage, charging current and voltage,etc.

Is it real Lenovo SB10J78991 compatibility information?

This product information is fully applicable to the Lenovo series laptop batteries, “Lenovo battery SB10J78991“..
* If you have any questions about the model mismatch or cannot confirm the model number due to the appearance we provided, please email us with the appearance of the battery and the model name or part number.


EUFY T8520 battery 9300mAh 33.759Wh for EUFY Ta8520
Nintendo KTR-003 battery 1400mAh 5.2Wh for Nintendo 3DS N3DS
Garmin 361-00043-00 battery 700mAh/2.59Wh for Garmin Edge 500 510 520 Cycling Receiver
Apple A2058 battery 224.9mAh/0.858Wh for Apple Watch Series 4
TREKSTOR HW-3487265 battery 4800mAh/36.48Wh for TREKSTOR Primebook C11
Clover AHA22121001 battery 2100mAh/15Wh for Clover C401U Terminal Counter Compact POS
Motorola KE40 battery 2820mAh/10.7WH for Motorola Moto E6 XT2005
BMW MKD35UP battery 580mAh/2.14Wh for BMW AG MKD35UP D-80788 530le 730 740 745 ID-Geber Display
Samsung EB-BJ710CBC battery 3300mAh/12.71WH for Samsung Galaxy J7 V Verizon J7V
Amazon 2955C7 battery 6300mAh/23.94Wh for Amazon Kindle Fire HD 10.1 7th Gen SL056ZE
Netgear W-10A battery 5040mAh/19.78WH for Netgear NightHawk Router/Modem M1 MR1100
Netgear W-3 battery 2000mAh/7.4WH for Netgear Sierra Wireless Router Aircard 760S 762S 763S 785S
Blu C866640282L battery 2820MAH for Blu Life One XL L050 L050U L050
Alcatel TLI013C1 battery 1350MAH for Alcatel One Touch Go Flip 4044W
Bose 061384 battery 2230mAH for BOSE SOUNDLINK Mini Series
Sony ACDP-100D01 laptop adapter
Amazon 58-000056 tablet battery
Lenovo L15M3PB0 laptop battery
Huawei HB4593R1ECW laptop battery
L18C4PF3 2964MAH /45WH 15.36V FOR LENOVO FLEX-14IWL 81SQ (DE110)
722KK 52WH 7.6V FOR DELL XPS 13 9300 9310 2020 SERIES
N130BAT-3 36WH 11.4V FOR CLEVO N130BU SAGER NP3130
SQU-1724 3744MAH/56.6WH 15.12V FOR AORUS 15-XA 15-WA 15-W9 15-SA 15 X9 GIGABYTE 911

Is This a Safe Website to Buy an Lenovo SB10J78991 Laptop Battery?

battery.org.uk does not record or save a user’s browsing history. Your final payment confirmation on this website will be sent to a secure third party for payment: PayPal Complete. Once the order has been confirmed, we will only use your personal data to make the transaction. Upon completion of your order, all your data will be used for future customer service and will be strictly protected by us. We will never share your personal information for commercial purposes without your permission, nor will we send you harassing emails during transactions. We hope you enjoy shopping at www.battery.org.uk!


Produced in China by our reliable domestic manufacturers and through our verification and sales channels to ensure product quality and safety.
We offer Lenovo product accessories with real information and compatibility, which comes entirely from our professional channels and years of sales experience.
Timeliness & Efficiency
A strong share network tin ensure the “DOUBLE INSURANCE” of the priority of international warehouses and the supplement of domestic’s.

New Products

BF04XL 5685mAh/43.7Wh 7.7v for HP Spectre 13-V115TU Series Laptop
VGP-BPS27 3200mAh(6cell) 11.1V for Sony Vaio VPCZ212GX VPCZ212GX/B VPCZ213GX 3200mah 6Cell
B41N1526 64Wh 15.2V for ASUS ROG Strix GL502 GL502V GL502VT S5 S5VT6700
L14M3P21 4050mAh/45wh 11.1v for LENOVO I2000 Flex 3 1470 Edge2 1580 m51-80
SB10H45077 90WH 11.25V for Lenovo ThinkPad P50 SB10H45077 SB10H45078 77+
L16C4PB1 6080mAh 7.68V for Lenovo 720-13IKB L16L4PB1 L16M4PB1 2ICP4/43/110-2
AS09A70 4400mAh 11.1V for Acer eMachines E525 E627 G627 E725 D525 G620 TJ66 MS2273
W217BAT-6 4400mAh/48.84Wh 11.1V for CLEVO W217CU 6-87-W217S-4D41 6-87-W217S-4D41-P

We are leading battery suplier.You can select a full range brand laptop battery,adapters,Tablet batteries,Cell Phone Batteries,Electronics,and Led Grow Light on sale .We buy in bulk and pass on savings to the customers.We focus our minds on supplying high quality replace laptop battery for you with factory price to save more money.

Battery BL1314 Replacement For Black & Decker BL1114 BL1514 LB16

Black_Decker BL1314 Battery is replacement for Black & Decker BL1114 BL1514 LB16. The BL1314 batteries equivalent is guaranteed to meet or exceed Black_Decker original specifications. Each Black_Decker BL1314 battery carries a full 1 Year warranty and every battery is charged and tested before it ships. We provide a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.


Replace Cheap Batteries part number :


Compatible with the following models :

Black & Decker BL1114 BL1514 LB16

Online Store


How to Maximize Your BL1314 Battery Life?

1. Keep the Black_Decker BL1314 battery contacts clean: Clean your battery’s metal contacts every couple of months with a cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol. This keeps the transfer of power from your battery more efficient.
2. Do not expose the BL1314 battery to extreme temperatures. Do not leave your battery outside in the cold or in your car in the summer. Cold batteries can’t create very much power and hot batteries will discharge very quickly.
3. Don’t pack your battery away in a backpack or other enclosed space when the Black_Decker BL1314 battery is still warm, trapping the heat. A battery that is frequently hot to the touch will lose life a lot faster than a battery that isn’t constantly being stressed. Worst of all: if your device crashes or refuses to shut off properly, the battery can get extremely hot when packed away in your bag.
4. Keep vents clear – don’t put your Black_Decker battery on a fluffy pillow or a cushioned service that will cover vents and trap heat.
5. Avoid allowing your device to discharge completely. Constantly recharging a lithium-ion battery does not shorten the battery life more than normal usage would. Avoid letting it sit on empty for too long; instead, keep it charged-up if you can.
6. Chargeable batteries will wear down quickly, when they are only charged for a short period of time. When the device is not in use, such as at bedtime, plug it into an outlet and leave it to charge until the battery power is full.
7. Defrag regularly – The faster your hard drive does its work – less demand you are going to put on the hard drive and your Black_Decker BL1314 battery. Make your hard drive as efficient as possible by defragging it regularly.


Oukitel S68 battery 2600mAh for Oukitel C16 cellphone
Garmin 361-00033-00 battery 1100mAh for Garmin Nuvi860 860T nuvi880 850 850T
HP YB06XL battery 7280mAh 84.08Wh for HP Spectre X360 15-CH Series
Samsung QL1695 battery 2920mAh 11.24Wh for Samsung Galaxy A01 SM-A015V
Garmin 361-00053-00 battery 2000mAh/7.4Wh for Garmin Montana 650 650T 600 VIRB GPS Handhelds
GLW GR2247 battery 2150mAh/47.08Wh for Razor RipStik Electric Caster Board Scooter
Motorola KE40 battery 2820mAh/10.7WH for Motorola Moto E6 XT2005
Razer RC30-0270 battery 4221mAh/65Wh for Razer Blade 15 Base 2018 RZ09-02705E75-R3U1
Lenovo L17L3P51 battery 45Wh for Lenovo E480 E485 E495 E580 E585 E490 E590
Samsung EB-BJ710CBC battery 3300mAh/12.71WH for Samsung Galaxy J7 V Verizon J7V
Samsung EB-BG530BBC battery 2600mAh/9.88wh for Samsung SM-G5308W G5500 G5309W G5306W J5008 J3109 J5009
Amazon 2955C7 battery 6300mAh/23.94Wh for Amazon Kindle Fire HD 10.1 7th Gen SL056ZE
CUBE NV-3064148-2S battery 4000mAh/30.4WH for CUBE Knote 5
Benz HJS100 battery 1000mAh/3.7Wh for Mercedes Benz Becker Navigation Map Pilot
Asus B41N1341 battery 64Wh for Asus Q502L Q502LA Q502LA-BBI5T12 Series
Sony ACDP-100D01 laptop adapter
Lenovo HKF1502-3B computer power
Amazon 2955C7 tablet battery
Amazon 58-000056 tablet battery
Alcatel CAB22D0000C1 cell phone battery
Samsung VCA-SBT90 compatible battery
Blackview A8_MAX cell phone battery
Motorola HC40 cell phone battery
Canon NB-8L compatible battery
Lenovo L15M3PB0 laptop battery
Garmin 361-00051-22 compatible battery
Huawei HB4593R1ECW laptop battery
Fitbit SP271828SF compatible battery
WA3026 4680MAH/17.4WH 3.7V FOR SYMBOL 7527 7528 PX750 1073145-002
361-00047-00 200MAH/0.74WH 3.7V FOR GARMIN FORERUNNER 110 110W 210 APPROACH S1 S2 S3 S4
26S1019 1040MAH/3.95WH 3.8V FOR AMAZON KINDLE 58-000226


High Quality Components
This Black_Decker BL1314 battery replacement has built-in A+ grade cells and high-quality TI intelligent control chip, which not only performs better, charges faster but lasts longer. In addition, the outer shell of the Black_Decker BL1314 battery is made according to the original battery shape design scheme, using high temperature and wear-resistant ABS +PC alloy environmentally friendly materials, which can be 100% compatible with your device and fit closely.
100% True Capacity
Do not be deceived by the false capacity advertisements from bad merchants, of which battery capacity will often drop off significantly after using a few months. Made with the highest quality “A” grade cells, our Black & Decker BL1114 BL1514 LB16 Battery has passed various strict quality tests to ensure that it meets OEM specifications, which can provide more than 600 charging cycles to maintain the same capacity for a long time.
Safety Is Vital!
Using a poor battery with unstable performance may do harm to the device and your safety. Our Black_Decker BL1314 replacement battery has passed CE, UL, ROHS, and other international authority certifications, which provides a variety of protection functions, effectively preventing common risks such as short circuits, overheating, and overvoltage. In order to protect your device and your safety, please rest assured to purchase our high-quality batteries!

New Products

DCH2-01 replacement Battery for KSTECH DCH2-01 Concrete Pump Car Remote Control
FNB-80LI replacement Battery for Yaesu VX6R VX7R VXA700/710 FNB80L FNB80LI vertex
BL-S3 replacement Battery for LG G Watch R W110 W150 Urbane Watch
BPB052H replacement Battery for ARRIS Series
T7M_SCUD replacement Battery for Twinhead Durabook T7M
A06B-6073-K001 replacement Battery for Panasonic BR-CCF2TH BR-C PLC 2PCS
C11N1502 replacement Battery for Asus Zenwatch 2 WI501Q
39J5057 replacement Battery for IBM 2780 39J5555 5580 5708 5780 74Y6773 74Y6870

We are leading battery suplier.You can select a full range brand laptop battery,adapters,Tablet batteries,Cell Phone Batteries,Electronics,and Led Grow Light on sale .We buy in bulk and pass on savings to the customers.We focus our minds on supplying high quality replace laptop battery for you with factory price to save more money.

Battery LBX16 Replacement For Black & Decker LBX16 Max

Black_Decker LBX16 Battery is replacement for Black & Decker LBX16 Max. The LBX16 batteries equivalent is guaranteed to meet or exceed Black_Decker original specifications. Each Black_Decker LBX16 battery carries a full 1 Year warranty and every battery is charged and tested before it ships. We provide a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.


Replace Cheap Batteries part number :


Compatible with the following models :

Black & Decker LBX16 Max Lithium Tools

Online Store


How to Maximize Your LBX16 Battery Life?

1. Keep the Black_Decker LBX16 battery contacts clean: Clean your battery’s metal contacts every couple of months with a cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol. This keeps the transfer of power from your battery more efficient.
2. Do not expose the LBX16 battery to extreme temperatures. Do not leave your battery outside in the cold or in your car in the summer. Cold batteries can’t create very much power and hot batteries will discharge very quickly.
3. Don’t pack your battery away in a backpack or other enclosed space when the Black_Decker LBX16 battery is still warm, trapping the heat. A battery that is frequently hot to the touch will lose life a lot faster than a battery that isn’t constantly being stressed. Worst of all: if your device crashes or refuses to shut off properly, the battery can get extremely hot when packed away in your bag.
4. Keep vents clear – don’t put your Black_Decker battery on a fluffy pillow or a cushioned service that will cover vents and trap heat.
5. Avoid allowing your device to discharge completely. Constantly recharging a lithium-ion battery does not shorten the battery life more than normal usage would. Avoid letting it sit on empty for too long; instead, keep it charged-up if you can.
6. Chargeable batteries will wear down quickly, when they are only charged for a short period of time. When the device is not in use, such as at bedtime, plug it into an outlet and leave it to charge until the battery power is full.
7. Defrag regularly – The faster your hard drive does its work – less demand you are going to put on the hard drive and your Black_Decker LBX16 battery. Make your hard drive as efficient as possible by defragging it regularly.


Oukitel S68 battery 2600mAh for Oukitel C16 cellphone
Garmin 361-00033-00 battery 1100mAh for Garmin Nuvi860 860T nuvi880 850 850T
HP YB06XL battery 7280mAh 84.08Wh for HP Spectre X360 15-CH Series
Samsung QL1695 battery 2920mAh 11.24Wh for Samsung Galaxy A01 SM-A015V
Garmin 361-00053-00 battery 2000mAh/7.4Wh for Garmin Montana 650 650T 600 VIRB GPS Handhelds
GLW GR2247 battery 2150mAh/47.08Wh for Razor RipStik Electric Caster Board Scooter
Motorola KE40 battery 2820mAh/10.7WH for Motorola Moto E6 XT2005
Razer RC30-0270 battery 4221mAh/65Wh for Razer Blade 15 Base 2018 RZ09-02705E75-R3U1
Lenovo L17L3P51 battery 45Wh for Lenovo E480 E485 E495 E580 E585 E490 E590
Samsung EB-BJ710CBC battery 3300mAh/12.71WH for Samsung Galaxy J7 V Verizon J7V
Samsung EB-BG530BBC battery 2600mAh/9.88wh for Samsung SM-G5308W G5500 G5309W G5306W J5008 J3109 J5009
Amazon 2955C7 battery 6300mAh/23.94Wh for Amazon Kindle Fire HD 10.1 7th Gen SL056ZE
CUBE NV-3064148-2S battery 4000mAh/30.4WH for CUBE Knote 5
Benz HJS100 battery 1000mAh/3.7Wh for Mercedes Benz Becker Navigation Map Pilot
Asus B41N1341 battery 64Wh for Asus Q502L Q502LA Q502LA-BBI5T12 Series
Sony ACDP-100D01 laptop adapter
Lenovo HKF1502-3B computer power
Amazon 2955C7 tablet battery
Amazon 58-000056 tablet battery
Alcatel CAB22D0000C1 cell phone battery
Samsung VCA-SBT90 compatible battery
Blackview A8_MAX cell phone battery
Motorola HC40 cell phone battery
Canon NB-8L compatible battery
Lenovo L15M3PB0 laptop battery
Garmin 361-00051-22 compatible battery
Huawei HB4593R1ECW laptop battery
Fitbit SP271828SF compatible battery
WA3026 4680MAH/17.4WH 3.7V FOR SYMBOL 7527 7528 PX750 1073145-002
361-00047-00 200MAH/0.74WH 3.7V FOR GARMIN FORERUNNER 110 110W 210 APPROACH S1 S2 S3 S4
26S1019 1040MAH/3.95WH 3.8V FOR AMAZON KINDLE 58-000226


High Quality Components
This Black_Decker LBX16 battery replacement has built-in A+ grade cells and high-quality TI intelligent control chip, which not only performs better, charges faster but lasts longer. In addition, the outer shell of the Black_Decker LBX16 battery is made according to the original battery shape design scheme, using high temperature and wear-resistant ABS +PC alloy environmentally friendly materials, which can be 100% compatible with your device and fit closely.
100% True Capacity
Do not be deceived by the false capacity advertisements from bad merchants, of which battery capacity will often drop off significantly after using a few months. Made with the highest quality “A” grade cells, our Black & Decker LBX16 Max Battery has passed various strict quality tests to ensure that it meets OEM specifications, which can provide more than 600 charging cycles to maintain the same capacity for a long time.
Safety Is Vital!
Using a poor battery with unstable performance may do harm to the device and your safety. Our Black_Decker LBX16 replacement battery has passed CE, UL, ROHS, and other international authority certifications, which provides a variety of protection functions, effectively preventing common risks such as short circuits, overheating, and overvoltage. In order to protect your device and your safety, please rest assured to purchase our high-quality batteries!

New Products

HNN9008A replacement Battery for Motorola PRO5150 PRO7150 GP640 GP140
MC55 replacement Battery for Motorola Symbol MC55/MC5590/MC55A0
DCB184 replacement Battery for DeWalt tool battery
PMNN4409 replacement Battery for Motorola XPR3300 XPR3500 XPR7350 XPR7550 XPR7380 XPR7580
A-2 replacement Battery for NETGEAR ARLO GO MOBILE VML4030
078592 replacement Battery for Bose S1 Pro Multi-Position PA Speaker 789175-0110
FNB-102LI replacement Battery for For YAESU VERTEX VX-8R VX-8E VX-8DR VX-8DE Radio
SBR-14LI replacement Battery for YAESU VX-8R VX-8DR VX-8GR FT-1DR FT-2DR

We are leading battery suplier.You can select a full range brand laptop battery,adapters,Tablet batteries,Cell Phone Batteries,Electronics,and Led Grow Light on sale .We buy in bulk and pass on savings to the customers.We focus our minds on supplying high quality replace laptop battery for you with factory price to save more money.

SP210 Cell Phone battery for Nokia C1 Plus 2021

Brand New Nokia SP210 Li-ion Battery. This Nokia SP210 battery is compatible with the Nokia C1 Plus 2021. Each Nokia SP210 Cell Phone battery carries a full 1 Year warranty and every battery is charged and tested before it ships. We provide a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.

  • Brand: Nokia Battery
  • Type: Li-ion
  • Capacity: 2500mAh/9.5WH
  • Voltage : 3.8V
  • SKU : 20IV383_Te

Replace Cell Phone Batteries part number :


Compatible with the following models :

For Nokia C1 Plus 2021

online store


Nokia SP210 Cell Phone Battery Instruction Manual

1. let the power of the Nokia SP210 batteries (15%) drain to 0% When you use your brand new Battery first time. And then full charge it(usually charge it full 12 hours) and let it drain to 0% again. Do this for 2~3 cycles.
2. If you have a nickel-metal hydride battery, completely drain and recharge the Nokia SP210 Cell Phone battery once a month to maximize its capacity to hold a charge.
3. Don’t leave your computer plugged in constantly when it is not in use. If your computer always relies on this power, it will loose its ability to last long on its own. So always charge your computer when the Nokia SP210 battery is almost dead and then unplug it from the wall.
4. If you have two or more battery pack of SP210, it’s wise to discharge and then fully charge it on battery power once a week or so, just to keep the battery fresh conditions.
5. Keep it cool. Do not expose the SP210 battery to high heat or freezing temperatures. Do not leave your battery in your car in the summer. Hot batteries discharge very quickly, and cold ones can’t create as much power.Overheat is damaging harmful for you Cell Phone battery, so it is wise to remove the Battery from a Cell Phone when it has been fully charged.
6. If you do not use your Nokia Cell Phone for extended periods of time (a week or more), remove the Nokia SP210 battery pack from the Cell Phone .


Samsung VCA-SBT90 battery 2.90Ah/62.64Wh for Samsung Jet 90 75 VS90 VS75 Stick Vacuum
Garmin 361-00053-00 battery 2000mAh/7.4Wh for Garmin Montana 650 650T 600 VIRB GPS Handhelds
Lenovo L18D1P32 battery 4850mAh/18.7Wh for Lenovo Smart Tab M10
Cubot J3 battery 2000mAh/7.6Wh for Cubot J3
Nokia BL-4UL battery 1200mAh/4.4WH for Nokia Asha 225 230
Jumper P313R battery 4900mAh/37.24Wh for Jumper Ezbook 3 Pro 13.3inch / Ezbook 3 Pro LB10/ HW-3487265 Ezbook 3 Pro V3 V4 (7-lines / 8-lines)
Lenovo 01AV409 battery 3530mAh/56WH for Lenovo X1 Yoga ThinkPad X1 Carbon 4th Gen
GLW GR3691 battery 2500mAh/90Wh for GLW LG Razor Hovertrax 2.0 Battery Balance car Scooters
Samsung EB-BG530BBC battery 2600mAh/9.88wh for Samsung SM-G5308W G5500 G5309W G5306W J5008 J3109 J5009
Netgear 332-10886-01 laptop AC adapter 12V 3.5A/42W for Netgear WNDR4300 r7800 r7500
Samsung PN8014 laptop AC adapter 14V–5.72A 80W for SAMSUNG S27A950D 27’LED adapter
LG EAY65249101 laptop AC adapter 19V 2.53A 48W for LG gram 15Z990-U.AAS5U1 Ultrabook
Acer ADP-180MB_K laptop AC adapter 19.5V 9.23A 180W for Acer Aspire 7 A717-72G-700J ADP-180MB_K
Amazon 2955C7 laptop AC adapter 3.8V for Amazon Kindle Fire HD 10.1 7th Gen SL056ZE
Icom BP-224 laptop AC adapter 7.2V for Icom IC-M2A IC-M2 IC-GM1600 IC-M32 IC-M31 Radio
Blackview A8_MAX cell phone battery
Motorola HC40 cell phone battery
SHELL01A 800MAH/2.96WH 3.7V FOR DORO PHONEEASY 409GSM 410GSM 520X 605 610 612
LI3708T42P3H553447 820MAH 3.7V FOR ZTE AGENT C70 C78 C88 E520 ESSENZE N295 R250
BL-6Q 970MAH/3.6WH 3.7V FOR NOKIA 6700C 6700
EB-BJ510CBE 3100MAH 11.94WH 3.85V FOR SAMSUNG GALAXY J5 2016 SM-J5108 J5109 J510

Why most customers purchase Nokia batteries from us?

* 100% compatible to replace your old use.
* Substitutes made from modern technology.
* With the international Standard Control from R&D, Manufacturing and test, Our battery for Nokia SP210 have passed CE, UL, ROHS, ISO9001,QS9000 and TS16949.
* Quality battery uses an intelligent control chip, which comes with higher performance and reliability.
* Built-in protection circuitry ensures its stability and safety, fast charge but slow power consumption.
* Guaranteed safety: Protected against Short-circuits, Overheating and Overvoltage.
* 30 days money back, one year warranty, efficient and fast after sales service.

New products

TLI018EF 1800mAh/6.66WH 3.7V for TCL J706T
E5.0 2500mAh/9.25WH 3.7V for BQ E5.0 BT-2500-259
BA971 3540mAh 13.63Wh 3.85V for Meizu 16S 16S Pro
NVT-WT-N30 4900mAh/18.87WH 3.85V for Samsung Galaxy phone
LI3821T44P6H3342A5 2200mAh/8.5WH 3.85V for ZTE Nubia My Prague NX513J M5M
BM53 5000mAh 3.87V for Xiaomi 10T 10T Pro K30S Authentic
TLP17J11P 3000mAh/11.55WH 3.85V for Wiko phone 455471 TLP17J11P
TLP033A7 3340mAh 3.85V for Alcatel Mobiele N5 Pro Cmcc M860

We are leading battery suplier.You can select a full range brand laptop battery,adapters,Tablet batteries,Cell Phone Batteries,Electronics,and Led Grow Light on sale .We buy in bulk and pass on savings to the customers.We focus our minds on supplying high quality replace laptop battery for you with factory price to save more money.

NEC PC-VP-WP141 3350mAh/46Wh 14.4V ノートPCバッテリー

NEC PC-VP-WP141ノートPCバッテリー」は、NEC 4INR19/66 Series Laptopと完全に互換性のある新品のバッテリーです。過電流保護・過充電防止・過放電防止、機能付き。PSE認証、CE認証つき、は安全そして長持ちでございます。

  • のブランド: NEC バッテリー
  • タイプ: Li-ion
  • 容量: 3350mAh/46Wh
  • 電圧: 14.4V
  • 商品コード: NEC19M488

NEC PC-VP-WP141ノートPCバッテリー 互換品番

PC-VP-WP141 4INR19/66

NEC PC-VP-WP141 対応ラッ ノートパソコン電池モデル:

NEC 4INR19/66 Series Laptop




1. 一ヶ月に一度以上の頻度で、バッテリを充電100%から0%近くに放電するまで連続してNEC PC-VP-WP141ノートPCのバッテリのみでノートパソコンを使用(または電源ONの状態で放置)しましょう。NEC PC-VP-WP141バッテリリフレッシュをしたことと同じ劣化防止効果があります。また、充電する場合はできれば100%まで充電しましょう。
2. バッテリリフレッシュの機能を搭載している機種の場合は定期的にPC-VP-WP141バッテリリフレッシュを行いましょう。できれば一ヶ月に一度はバッテリリフレッシュを行うようにしましょう。
3. NEC PC-VP-WP141バッテリは余り高温にさらしてしまうと劣化が進みます。例えば炎天下の自動車の中にバッテリ付きのノートパソコンを放置するようなことは好ましくありません。ノートパソコンの盗難防止の意味でも、外出先ではノートNEC PC-VP-WP141パソコンはなるべく携行し、涼しいところで保管しましょう。


DPS-180AB-26_A 互換 HP ProDesk 600G3 sff 901765-0034+4 電源ユニット
HK310-71PP 互換 LENOVO M610 M510 M415 M410 B415 TFX 電源ユニット
HB299418ECW 互換 Huawei MediaPad M5 CMR-AL09 CMR-W19 タブレットPCバッテリー
NB50BAT-6 互換 Clevo NB50TK1 NB50TJ1 NB50TL NB50TZ ノートPCバッテリー
TPN-CA06 互換 925740-002 HP spectre X2 X360HP Product #X7W50AA#ABA ACアダプター
EB-BT561ABE 互換 Samsung GALAXY Tab E T560 T561 SM-T560 5000m タブレットPCバッテリー
ER6VCT 互換 Toshiba ER6VCT 3.6V 2000mah PLC Battery With small JAE Plug 2pcs 互換性のあるバッテリー
P763098-01A 互換 JBL link 20 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker 互換性のあるバッテリー
LTM1555 互換 SAMSUNG SAD04914F-UV LTN1565 BN44-00129C Monitor ACアダプター
58-000124 互換 Amazon Kindle Oasis 8th タブレットPCバッテリー
FNB-80LI 互換 YAESU VX-5R VX-7R VX-5E VX-7E VXA-710 1500mAh 互換性のあるバッテリー
ASDB402334-P1 互換 Garmin Fenix 5 5X 互換性のあるバッテリー
L140BAT-4 互換 CLEVO L140BAT-4 2ICP5/50/112-2 ノートPCバッテリー
PB-42L 互換 KENWOOD Portable Radios TH-F6 TH-F6A TH-F7 TH-F7E 互換性のあるバッテリー
VGP-BPS40 互換 Sony Vaio Flip SVF 15A SVF15N17CXB SVF15N18PXB SVF15N28PXB ノートPCバッテリー
MC96 互換 HP Smart Array P840 P440 ノートPCバッテリー


★ PSE認証、CE認証つき、は安全そして長持ちでございます。
☆ 寿命が長い上に容量も大きい、そして充電時間は短いです。
★ メーカー直売ですから超安い , 100%の新品。
☆ 過充電、過放電、加熱時、短絡時は自動停止される安全回路設計。
★ 500回以上の有効充電回数、長時間で使用出来ます。
☆ 純正PC-VP-WP141バッテリーと100%互換性があります。


HP CP03XL 5275mAh/60.9Wh 11.55V バッテリー
Acer SQU-1605 2700MAH 17.6V バッテリー
ASUS C32N1415 96Wh 11.4V バッテリー
MSI A32-A24 4400mAh 10.8V バッテリー
Lenovo SB10H45071 48Wh 10.8V バッテリー
Sony VGP-BPS33 3760mAh 11.4V バッテリー
HP RI04 44Wh 14.8V バッテリー
Hasee SQU-1603 3980mAh/45WH 11.1V バッテリー


高品質の互換ACER AP12A3I 4850mAh 11.1Vバッテリー激安販売

ACER AP12A3IノートPCバッテリー」は、Acer Aspire M3 M5 Timeline Ultra M3 M5 U M5-481TG-6814と完全に互換性のある新品のバッテリーです。過電流保護・過充電防止・過放電防止、機能付き。PSE認証、CE認証つき、は安全そして長持ちでございます。

  • のブランド: ACER バッテリー
  • タイプ: Li-ion
  • 容量: 4850mAh
  • 電圧: 11.1V
  • 商品コード: ACE19M489

ACER AP12A3IノートPCバッテリー 互換品番

KT.00303.002 BT.00304.011 AP12A3i AP12A4i 3ICP7/67/90

ACER AP12A3I 対応ラッ ノートパソコン電池モデル:

For Acer
Aspire M3 Series
Aspire Timeline Ultra M3 Series
Timeline Ultra M3 Series
Aspire M5 Series
Aspire Timeline Ultra M5 Series
Timeline Ultra M5 Series
Aspire Timeline U M3-581TG-72634G25Mnkk
Aspire Timeline U M5-481TG-6814 (M5-481) (M5-581)




1. 一ヶ月に一度以上の頻度で、バッテリを充電100%から0%近くに放電するまで連続してACER AP12A3IノートPCのバッテリのみでノートパソコンを使用(または電源ONの状態で放置)しましょう。ACER AP12A3Iバッテリリフレッシュをしたことと同じ劣化防止効果があります。また、充電する場合はできれば100%まで充電しましょう。
2. バッテリリフレッシュの機能を搭載している機種の場合は定期的にAP12A3Iバッテリリフレッシュを行いましょう。できれば一ヶ月に一度はバッテリリフレッシュを行うようにしましょう。
3. ACER AP12A3Iバッテリは余り高温にさらしてしまうと劣化が進みます。例えば炎天下の自動車の中にバッテリ付きのノートパソコンを放置するようなことは好ましくありません。ノートパソコンの盗難防止の意味でも、外出先ではノートACER AP12A3Iパソコンはなるべく携行し、涼しいところで保管しましょう。


DPS-180AB-26_A 互換 HP ProDesk 600G3 sff 901765-0034+4 電源ユニット
HK310-71PP 互換 LENOVO M610 M510 M415 M410 B415 TFX 電源ユニット
HB299418ECW 互換 Huawei MediaPad M5 CMR-AL09 CMR-W19 タブレットPCバッテリー
NB50BAT-6 互換 Clevo NB50TK1 NB50TJ1 NB50TL NB50TZ ノートPCバッテリー
TPN-CA06 互換 925740-002 HP spectre X2 X360HP Product #X7W50AA#ABA ACアダプター
EB-BT561ABE 互換 Samsung GALAXY Tab E T560 T561 SM-T560 5000m タブレットPCバッテリー
ER6VCT 互換 Toshiba ER6VCT 3.6V 2000mah PLC Battery With small JAE Plug 2pcs 互換性のあるバッテリー
P763098-01A 互換 JBL link 20 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker 互換性のあるバッテリー
LTM1555 互換 SAMSUNG SAD04914F-UV LTN1565 BN44-00129C Monitor ACアダプター
58-000124 互換 Amazon Kindle Oasis 8th タブレットPCバッテリー
FNB-80LI 互換 YAESU VX-5R VX-7R VX-5E VX-7E VXA-710 1500mAh 互換性のあるバッテリー
ASDB402334-P1 互換 Garmin Fenix 5 5X 互換性のあるバッテリー
L140BAT-4 互換 CLEVO L140BAT-4 2ICP5/50/112-2 ノートPCバッテリー
PB-42L 互換 KENWOOD Portable Radios TH-F6 TH-F6A TH-F7 TH-F7E 互換性のあるバッテリー
VGP-BPS40 互換 Sony Vaio Flip SVF 15A SVF15N17CXB SVF15N18PXB SVF15N28PXB ノートPCバッテリー
MC96 互換 HP Smart Array P840 P440 ノートPCバッテリー


★ PSE認証、CE認証つき、は安全そして長持ちでございます。
☆ 寿命が長い上に容量も大きい、そして充電時間は短いです。
★ メーカー直売ですから超安い , 100%の新品。
☆ 過充電、過放電、加熱時、短絡時は自動停止される安全回路設計。
★ 500回以上の有効充電回数、長時間で使用出来ます。
☆ 純正AP12A3Iバッテリーと100%互換性があります。


Lenovo L13M4P61 7.3V バッテリー
GETAC VFXSV-00-12-4S2P-0 5800MAH 14.4V バッテリー
FUJITSU SMP-MFS-SS-26C-08 5200MAH 14.8V バッテリー
ASUS 0B200-02030000 4240mAh 11.4V バッテリー
Lenovo 3059153 8000mAh 3.8V バッテリー
HP LK03XL 4835mAh 11.55V バッテリー
ASUS C21N1408 4775mAh/37WH 7.6V バッテリー
HP TE04XL 63.3Wh 15.4V バッテリー
